Request for vehicle transport

Estimate for car transport from Spain to Germany, Holland, Belgium, France and vice versa.

Vehicle data

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Loading and delivery addresses

For international vehicle transports to Spain, we load and deliver standardized via our logistics point in Murcia. If you wish, your vehicle can also be picked up or delivered to a different address within Spain.

In the case of transports to Germany, we regularly deliver the vehicles to our cooperation partner in Düsseldorf, where you can receive your vehicles. If you also wish, we can deliver and collect your vehicle at a different address. For deliveries between our standard loading and delivery points, please just enter the country in each field.

Contact information


With the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25, 2018, every organization that handles the personal data of EU residents in any way is obliged to protect it. Our company takes the privacy of its customers seriously and takes every commercially reasonable effort to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Via comercial{ät}autotransspain·com you also can send us directly your message. Further information can be found in our data protection declaration.

"Vehicle transports beyond the borders..."

Specializing in car transport for 20 years, we deliver competently between Spain, France, Germany and the Benelux countries.